Fair of Use

Conditions Of Using Model Answer Services

AssignmnetHelp24.7 is assisting and helping students in maintain their reputed academic image. Company aspires to support students in their mission of achieving excellent grades. We assist by providing custom academic papers, which works as grade booster, for learners.

The applied conditions of faire use patterns the rules of using our work. The designed criteria restrict customers to follow the rules of exploiting the provided model answer services. Following are the dos and don’ts of using our work:

Act of plagiarism is prohibited

All customers are advised to avoid using the provided assignment, dissertation or essay as it is. We aim to ease the troubles for students and for this purpose; we provide papers which can be used a model paper. Students are allowed to take help from the provided model answer but, it is suggested to make their contribution as well.

AssisngmetHelp24.7 cares about your future and strongly opposes the act of plagiarism that is, submitting the provided model answers as a final draft. Students should avoid misusing the provided document and may give their equal contribution.

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How am I supposed to utilize the model paper?

The services, which we provide in shape of written document, can be used as an example, to take help from and to ease the process of writing. We help students by providing a valuable solution of tricky questions. However, our provided guidance never restricts you to go for the exact way of answering question. You may take the idea from our model paper and should search for better ways of answering or writing your assignment. You can use our model paper in the following conditions:

  • Thoroughly read the model answer and try to develop understanding of your assignment.
  • Take idea from the provided answer and make notes.
  • Use your self-written notes while making your final draft.
  • Checkout the used resources of your model paper and evaluate each of the resource, to collect more information.
  • Feel free to align your paper with more information, you have gathered.
  • Take model paper as a guide and structure your final draft accordingly. Look on the method of using sources, selection of words, paper pattern, and acquired tone.
  • After all of this, make sure to write a final draft free from plagiarism.

This way, you can gain more knowledge regarding your assignment and this can also help in elevating your learning graph.

Can I present the Model Answer as it is, in my University?

No! Submitting someone else’ work under your name is an act of stealing credits, which is not so appreciated and as well as prohibited. Though taking help from the model answer is completely fine but, submitting the work with little or no changes falls in the category of plagiarism. The purpose is to make your troubles easy; you can collect information from the provided custom paper and then can modify it according to your understanding.

This fair use policy is deliberately designed to save students from committing academic crimes of violating the rules of education. Following this policy can help you in enhancing your learning abilities and as well your grades.


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